ladies and gentlemen…without further ado,

here is the weasel bill crafted by the health insurance leeches that max baucus has wasted all our time on…. lazy, good for nothing, corporate stooge copies the insurance industry wish list to hand us this worthless P.O.S.


at first glance- it looks like the mark-up will be a hoot! i mean eveyone is going to laugh at this thing. dave letterman should hand it to his comedy writers.

max actually takes a dire emergency like our crumbling health care system and manages to craft a bill which threatens to make it worse ….

from politico:

Wendell Potter, the former Cigna executive-turned-whistleblower, told a small group of reporters Monday that the Baucus health care plan is an “absolute gift” to the industry.

“The Baucus framework is just an absolute joke,” said Potter, Cigna’s former head of corporate communications who has been speaking out against insurance industry practices. “It is an absolute gift to the industry. And if that is what we see in the legislation, (America’s Health Insurance Plans chief) Karen Ignagni will surely get a huge bonus.”

Potter said the proposal would not provide affordable coverage. It gives the industry too much latitude to charge higher premiums based on age and geographic location, fails to mandate employer coverage, and pushes consumers into plans with limited benefits, Potter said.

update on the knee….

i have to get to what weight?????


after several x-rays and an MRI, the ortho-guy says i have to lose weight before he will even consider working on it. can’t blame him. sooooo….first i joined weight watchers and then joined the ymca…..must lose the entire weight of a slightly below average male human. the pain in the knee will be my constantly screaming life coach as i finally put the fork down and pick up some steel…along with some nice poolside water therapy. the insurance guys got off easy this time. meanwhile getting intimate with piroxicam, meloxicam and aleve. kind of anti-climactic. we’ll see how the leeches do with the bills that i did run up.

all i can say is…better than a lot of things that could have happened. losing weight is number one priority. maybe i can have a new knee by this time next year. must say i am impressed with st patrick’s so far- and the missoula ymca. that is a fine outfit over there, also. weight-watchers looks great so far too- really like the online program so far. even can be accessed with blackberry too. cause everyone knows a bear loves blackberries.